VISES - Valorisation de l’Impact Social de l’Entrepreneuriat Social


On June 1st 2017, a first main event was organized in Lille.

95 partners, funders and tester enterprises came together to better understand the project and its purpose, discuss and share views on issues linked to social impact and share the first feedbacks from the experimental phase.

To do so, we organized 5 workshops in the morning, each repeated twice, so that participants could attend 2 of them according to their interests.

The themes of the 5 workshops were :

Taking ownership of the issues behind the notion of social impact and take action ;

Co-creating evaluation indicators ;

Grounding stories on scientific competences ;

Establishing conditions conducive to research-action and co-creation ;

Learning how to choose between quantitative and qualitative indicators.

These 5 workshops in the morning allowed us to meet, and discuss with, the different types of actors taking part, more or less closely, in this major project. The debate was enriched by the perspectives of the tester enterprises and of the funding partners.

Afterwards, the afternoon was divided into two moments : a moment of informal mutual acquaintance and a moment of stocktaking on the first experiments with the tester enterprises ; how have they lived the analysis carried out within them as part of our "research-action" ?

The day allowed to focus the dialogue on the experimentation, an important step in our research-action, after having devoted
the year 2016 to the installation of concepts, the analysis of the situation and the creation of the methodology.

It was also an opportunity to build a community of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) enterprises on both sides of the border, bound by common values ​​and ideals, which particularly appreciate the cross-border nature of the project, allowing for multiple meetings between actors from a wide variety of backgrounds.


  1. Zich aanpassen aan de wereld van ondernemingen
  2. Steunen op de bestaande sterktes
  3. Rekening houdend met de lokale en ondernemingsdiversiteit
  4. Luisteren naar de verwachtingen van de partners


zet anderen aan tot actie en tot het anders ondernemen.
Dit leidt op zijn beurt tot:

  • draagvlak en betrokkenheid van alle betrokkenen bevorderen
  • de ontwikkeling van activiteiten
  • meer steun van publiek en privaatpartners
  • het bestaande constant in vraag te stellen om de maatschappelijke nut te optimaliseren

ConcertES is het overlegorgaan voor de organisaties uit de sociale economie. ConcertES verenigt zo 17 federaties uit de sociale economie die actief zijn in Wallonië en Brussel.