VISES - Valorisation de l’Impact Social de l’Entrepreneuriat Social


In 2016, the VISES project focused on synthesising the theory, studying the existing evaluation approaches and building a first proposal for a system to evaluate and valorise social impact.

Here we are in 2017, testing the findings in 69 tester enterprises through a research-action process carried out by the various partners of the VISES project.

These companies will follow 3 steps to evaluate and valorise their social impact :

1. State of play and choice of the evaluative question

2. Data collection

3. Data analysis and valorisation of the social impact

They are divided into 3 groups according to their objective :

• Social economy enterprises dedicated to the socio-professional integration of people far from employment ;

• Enterprises dedicated to providing a collective service to meet the basic needs of citizens with a view to universal accessibility. That is to say social enterprises that work mainly with a vulnerable public (early childhood, youth assistance, disability , care of the lederly, ...) ;

• Enterprises falling within the practices and values of the SSE and offering goods and services in all sectors of activity, with the exception of structures with insertion and / or solidarity as core activity (citizen cooperatives, workers’ cooperatives, actors of permanent education, micro-credit, ...).


Today, they begin the first stage of the programme, which is composed of the following sub-steps :

• Familiarisation with evaluation issues ;

• Realisation of an identikit of the company through a proposed framework of analysis ;

• Choice of an evaluative question to determine the objective of the evaluation process (= the reason why the company embarks on this social impact assessment) ;

• Choice of the most appropriate "data collection" methodology (indicators, interviews, surveys, focus group, life story, ...).

Let’s wish them a successful job !


  1. Zich aanpassen aan de wereld van ondernemingen
  2. Steunen op de bestaande sterktes
  3. Rekening houdend met de lokale en ondernemingsdiversiteit
  4. Luisteren naar de verwachtingen van de partners


zet anderen aan tot actie en tot het anders ondernemen.
Dit leidt op zijn beurt tot:

  • draagvlak en betrokkenheid van alle betrokkenen bevorderen
  • de ontwikkeling van activiteiten
  • meer steun van publiek en privaatpartners
  • het bestaande constant in vraag te stellen om de maatschappelijke nut te optimaliseren

ConcertES is het overlegorgaan voor de organisaties uit de sociale economie. ConcertES verenigt zo 17 federaties uit de sociale economie die actief zijn in Wallonië en Brussel.